VIDEO: Watch Congresswoman Job Shadow Home Care Worker
Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s participation in a PHI-sponsored “Come Care with Me” event has been documented in a newly released video.
The short video shows Schakowsky shadowing home health aide Gilda Pipersburgh, who provides home care to an elder consumer in Chicago.
Through “Come Care with Me” events, PHI encourages lawmakers to spend time with direct-care workers to help them understand the difficulty of their jobs, and their importance to their consumers.
In the video, filmed last summer, Schakowsky is seen helping Pipersburgh to fold her client’s laundry, clean her apartment, and prepare a bath for her.
“Home care workers must be adequately trained and compensated to ensure that our nation has the strong, stable workforce it needs to meet the rapidly increasing demand for quality in-home services,” Schakowsky said. “I will continue to do all I can to fight for resources for home care workers.”
CJE SeniorLife, Piperburgh’s employer, said that they were pleased to have participated in the “Come Care with Me” event, which highlighted the important role in-home
workers play in helping older adults remain in the community.