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Workforce Matters: The Direct Care Workforce and State-Based LTSS Social Insurance Programs

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July 29, 2019
Workforce Matters: The Direct Care Workforce and State-Based LTSS Social Insurance Programs

As consumers and their families struggle to afford long-term services and supports (LTSS), a growing number of states are beginning to consider social insurance programs that would offset these costs. This joint report from PHI and Caring Across Generations responds to this trend, outlining a policy framework with nine areas where state-level policymakers can strengthen the direct care workforce in these social insurance programs.

Key Takeaways

Direct care workers will be critical to the success of new state-based social insurance programs in long-term care.
State-based social insurance programs can raise compensation, enhance training, promote advanced roles, and improve supervision in the direct care sector.
State policymakers should make long-term care more affordable to families, and boost workforce capacity to make it more accessible.
Private: Robert Espinoza (he/him)
About The Author

Robert Espinoza (he/him)

Former Executive Vice President of Policy
Robert Espinoza oversees PHI's national advocacy and public education division on the direct care workforce, and contributes vision and leadership to the organization's strategies.

Caring for the Future

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