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Together in Care Issue Brief: Empowering Direct Care Workers and Family Caregivers to Meet Growing Demand for Care

Brief Data Collection & Quality
June 26, 2024
Together in Care Issue Brief: Empowering Direct Care Workers and Family Caregivers to Meet Growing Demand for Care

This comprehensive analysis reflects a collaboration between PHI and the National Alliance for Caregiving that has been made possible by generous support from The John A. Hartford Foundation. With input from a range of experts, we offer crucial insights into strengthening our nation’s long-term care infrastructure.

Key Takeaways

Care Team Integration: Incorporating direct care workers and family caregivers into care teams improves overall care quality and outcomes.
Self-Directed Care Expansion: Increasing access to self-directed care programs empowers caregivers and strengthens the workforce.
Research Investment: Funding caregiver-focused research is essential for developing effective policies and interventions.
Contributing Authors
PHI and the National Alliance for Caregiving

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Workforce Data Center

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