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The Role of Organizational Culture in Retaining Nursing Workforce

Journal Article
June 26, 2015

This journal article examines how different types of nursing home organizational cultures can affect turnover rates of registered nurses, licensed practices nurses, and nursing aide staff. The researchers broke down organizational cultures into four different types: group cultures, developmental cultures, market cultures, and hierarchical cultures. They found that facilities that espouse market values (in which strict performance standards are emphasized) can lead to higher aide turnover. But on the whole, they observed that a facility’s culture had little predictive value over voluntary aide turnover.

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Key Takeaways

"Turnover rates are lower than found in past but remain significantly higher among NAs than among RNs or LPNs."
"Facilities emphasizing hierarchical internal processes had lower RN turnover."
"Effects on nursing assistant turnover become insignificant when turnover was adjusted if voluntary turnover was reported."

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