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Nursing Home Jobs That Pay

November 17, 2015

This report argues that Pennsylvania nursing homes can and should raise wages for their workers to $15/hour.The Pennsylvania nursing home industry earned more than $400 million in profit in 2014, the author writes, yet nearly one out of every six nursing home workers had to rely on public benefits to make ends meet. Raising wages to $15/hour would result in an estimated $300 million going into the pockets of working Pennsylvanians. The author builds on arguments made in his April 2015 report about the low wages earned by Pennsylvania’s nursing home workers.

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Key Takeaways

"Studies show that high staff turnover is associated with lower quality care, and low wages contribute to turnover."
"Nursing home staff members in Pennsylvania continue to struggle to make ends meet."
"Public funds for nursing home care should be spent on good jobs and high quality care."

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