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Contingency, Employment Intentions, and Retention of Vulnerable Low-Wage Workers: An Examination of Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes

Journal Article
April 1, 2013

This study uses survey data to analyze the reasons that nursing assistants leave their jobs. The researchers hypothesize that factors such as workload and job satisfaction are less important to low-wage nursing assistants than are certain “contingency factors,” such as being a primary breadwinner or being a single mother. The researchers conclude that the contingency factors are greater predictors of retention than are standard job satisfaction factors.

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Key Takeaways

Intent to stay in the job, occupation, or field is predicted by factors such as workload and jobs satisfaction.
However, intent to stay in the job doesn't predict actual retention.
Retention is better predicted by factors like being a primary breadwinner, health insurance, and longer employment.

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