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Comparing Person-Centered Communication Education in Long-Term Care Using Onsite and Online Formats

Journal Article
November 3, 2015

This journal article evaluates the effectiveness of a person-centered communication training disseminated in both online and in-person formats for nursing home staff. The researchers found that only the in-person group demonstrated improved recognition of person-centered communication, although they noted that those gains were of “limited clinical significance.” Elsewhere, the researchers found no significant differences between the two formats based on participant evaluations and staff perception of the programs.

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Key Takeaways

"Educating nursing home staff to provide person-centered care is complicated by scheduling, costs, and other feasibility issues."
"The current study compared outcomes for an in-service program focused on person-centered communication provided in onsite and online formats."
"Feasibility and effectiveness are important considerations for in-service education supporting NH culture change."

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