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CMS Direct Service Workforce Core Competencies

January 1, 2014

This guide outlines a set of core competencies for direct care workers, promoting best practices in community-based LTSS. These competencies came out of a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) project to identify a common set of core competencies across community-based LTSS sectors.

To see the original source, click here.

Key Takeaways

A highly competent direct service workforce is critical to the well-being of individuals in need in the community.
This set of competencies can form the basis for practical tools to strengthen the direct care workforce.
These tools can build a larger and stronger direct care workforce that is prepared to make smart choices.

Caring for the Future

Our new policy report takes an extensive look at today's direct care workforce—in five installments.

Workforce Data Center

From wages to employment statistics, find the latest data on the direct care workforce.