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Can I Ever Retire?: The Plight of Migrant Filipino Elderly Caregivers in Los Angeles

Surveys / Focus Groups Expanding Access & Cultural Competence
July 14, 2015

This report presents demographic information from 100 Filipino immigrants living in Los Angeles who have become in-home caregivers to older adults. The data focuses on the caregivers’ wages, but also touches on aspects such as on-the-job injury rates, health coverage, and job responsibilities. The researchers make several policy recommendations based on the data, including the need for lawmakers to promote a “retireable wage” for these caregivers, whose average age is over 57 years old.

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Key Takeaways

"The purpose of this study is to document the social characteristics, migration patterns, and labor conditions of migrant Filipino elderly caregivers in Los Angeles."
"The report is based on a 100-person survey with Filipino elderly caregivers in Los Angeles."
"The data particularly highlights the precarious labor conditions that Filipino elderly caregivers continue to face including job insecurity and lack of work standards."

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