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New Resource Outlines Process for Person-Centered Care Planning

November 5, 2015

A guide to breaking through the barriers that often prevent the implementation of person-centered care practices in care communities has been published by the Rothschild Foundation.

The result of several meetings of approximately 50 stakeholders convened by the Erickson School, “A Process for Care Planning for Resident Choice” explains that many care communities decline to provide truly person-centered care out of fear of legal retribution, or simply because it seems different from the accepted standards of care.

The guide addresses these concerns and explains the government regulations that address the issue of person-centered care.

It then outlines a process by which interdisciplinary care teams can honor resident choices while mitigating any inherent risks.

Susan Misiorski, PHI National Director of Coaching & Consulting Services, was among the stakeholders who participated in the creation of the guide.

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