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Stayers, Leavers, and Switchers Among Certified Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes: A Longitudinal Investigation of Turnover Intent, Staff Retention, and Turnover

Journal Article
October 1, 2011

This study presents the results of a longitudinal survey of 620 full-time CNAs working in Pennsylvania nursing homes. The survey found that 85.8% of CNAs remained in their jobs after one year, 8.4% switched to another facility, and 5.8% left the industry. Those who left their jobs were motivated primarily by low job satisfaction and a need for health insurance. Wages were not a strong predictor of turnover.

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Key Takeaways

Turnover was predicted by intent to leave at the baseline study and by the lack of health insurance.
Job satisfaction and emotional well-being impact turnover.
The turnover rate of full-time only CNAs appears to be lower than in studies that include part-time workers.

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