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Frontline Caregiver Daily Practices: A Comparison Study of Traditional Nursing Homes and The Green House Project Sites

Journal Article
December 1, 2010

This report compares the apportionment of staffing hours per resident day (HPRDs) among certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in traditional skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and those that have adopted the Green House model. It finds that CNAs in Green House facilities spend 24 more minutes each day on direct care activities than CNAs in traditional facilities. The report finds that the Green House model also gives CNAs more time to spend on indirect care activities and to engage directly with residents.

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Key Takeaways

Staffing from nursing and non-nursing departments combined was 18 minutes less in Green House homes than in SNFs.
CNAs in Green House homes spent 24 more minutes in direct care activities than CNAs in traditional SNFs.
This challenges the idea that staffing efficiency cannot be achieved in small environments like a Green House home.

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