Can cooperative development help improve employment in the home care sector—where home care workers, who are primarily women of color, struggle for recognition, support, and economic stability despite their essential contribution to the community? This fact sheet summarizes the findings from PHI’s study of the feasibility of cooperative development and other strategies for: improving job opportunities for Detroit’s home care workers, addressing the home care workforce crisis, and strengthening access to quality care for those who need it.
Key Takeaways
There are two key ways to address Detroit's entrenched poverty: build pathways into work, and increase the number of jobs that promote economic self-sufficiency.
The home care sector presents a unique case for enacting these strategies—given that there are a growing number of home care jobs available, but few pathways out of poverty for home care workers.
Cooperatively structured home care agencies present viable opportunities for improving wages and job quality for workers in Detroit.
Kezia Scales leads PHI’s strategy for building the evidence base on state and national policies and workforce interventions that improve direct care jobs, elevate this essential workforce, and strengthen care processes and outcomes.